b'Using New & Proven Techniques to Prevent & Treat ProblemsHRS is on the cutting edge of national surveys that are adding direct measures of health and basic biology into the study. HRS was the first study of older people in the United States to use new and proven technologies of biological measurement that could be conducted in the home. Information from all of the blood and saliva samples is organized together, and combined with all of the other HRS data that you provide, to look for general patterns that can point researchers toward explanations for health problems and ways to better prevent or treat those problems.Genetics & Biomarkers Researchers look for different biomarkers in the blood that can tell us a lot about our health. One biomarker, called C-reactive protein, measures the amount of inflammation in the body, which can be harmful to our bodies over time. This level of inflammation in your body may be affected not only by medical conditions you may have such as diabetes or high blood pressure, but also by how much stress you are feeling, aspects of your neighborhood, whether you are exercising regularly, and even how many friends and family provide you with support when you need it.16,17,18By combining information on genetic risks with information from results of blood tests, HRS research is discovering genes that influence cholesterol and C-reactive protein. These findings are potentially important for predicting risk of Alzheimers disease and developing new treatments.19It is important for you to know that all biological information is held strictly confidential.11'