b'You are Making a DifferenceYour information helps others by finding ways that we can all help improve our health.Using the InternetMen who use the internet are more likely to get preventive care including cholesterol and cancer screening than men who do not use the internet to get health information. Women are more likely to get information about screening directly from health care professionals.26Reading Improves Longevity Readingeven just 30 minutes a daymay help lengthen yourPeople who read books life. Book readers live an average of 23 months longer thanaverage about four non-readers. The benefit is for both men and women andhours of readingfor those with both higher and lower levels of education anda week.wealth. Reading bookseven more than reading magazines and newspapershelps maintain cognitive health, which improves longevity.27Source: Bavishi and others, Social Science and Medicine, 2016Pets & HealthCan owning a dog benefit your health? For people who own and walk their dogs, walking gives many health benefitslower weight, fewer physical limitations, and fewer visits to the doctor. People who feel a stronger connection with their dogs tend to walk them more often and for longer times.28 13'